

Results: 392 Articles found.
  • M.E.B.A. Telex Times for March 16, 2017

    In this issue//Budget Blueprint Released//TTD Executive Committee Meeting//National M.E.B.A. Convention on Monday//Upcoming AMMV Conference//Expiration of Special Early Returns//Teddy Gleason Day Tomorrow//Reminder for Govt. Fleet on VPDSD//

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  • M.E.B.A. Telex Times for February 2, 2017

    In this issue//Chao Confirmed//Praise for CBP Jones Act Proposal//OCEAN GIANT at the Bottom of the World//Continued MMC Processing Delays//Federal “Right-to-Work” (for Less) Bill//Training Database Needs Your Expiration Dates//

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  • M.E.B.A. Telex Times for January 26, 2017

    In this issue//Training Plan Needs Member MMC Expiration Dates//LIBERTY PASSION Underway with M.E.B.A. Deck & Engine Officers//New Dispatcher/Rep. in Tampa//Final Voyage: Mike Ribera//CMES One-Week Internship Programs//CBP Fast Lane Program May Restrict Shore Leave//TTD Reaches Out to New Administration//Labor Praises TPP Withdrawal; Trump Meeting//Right-to-Work (for Less) News//Chao Nomination Advances//​

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  • M.E.B.A. Telex Times for January 19, 2017

    In this issue//Deck & Engine Jobs aboard New Liberty MSP Vessel//SEACOR Ratification Vote//ALLIANCE ST. LOUIS Crew Unharmed after Blaze//Oakland Patrolman, NOLA Rep. Dispatcher Appointed//New Look M.E.B.A. Website//Jaenichen Lands at HMS Global Maritime//Union Plus Scholarships//Piracy Downturn in 2016 but Kidnappings Rose//

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Results: 392 Articles found.